..and went on to take our breath away by stunning us with the amazing views of Tiger Leaping Gorge!!!
Tiger Leaping Gorge is the longest, deepest, and narrowest gorge in the world (according to some sources ;). The Gorge acquired its name because, according to local legend, a tiger once leaped over its torrid rapids of Yangzte river.
The hike is around 30 km (and we were initially sure it was 15 km)...and the first day`s plan was to make it to Half Way guesthouse 16km into the track!28 bends uphill was not easy, the trail was sometimes getting way too narrow and there were places when looking down was better avoided, but we all made it in one piece to Half way guesthouse and it took us 8 h of hiking (7h=hike; 1h=resting)
Yangtze river
3 out of 4 hikers :)
Halfway guesthouse. Breathtaking view!
And one of our team`s hikers b-day dinner-party :)
1 comment:
cool blog:) ok i wana go there tell me how much u paid for the flight ( Kunming right?
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