Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Blue sky most of the time during my two weeks there in August!
Lots of Italian GELATO (otherwise known as ice-cream ;)
Lots of musicals & "movie-star gazing" 
SEPHORA free make-overs (perfect before going to a musical ;) & cup-cakes  
 New York bus drivers and theatre ushers who act like they`re managers or your best friends depending on the case ;)
Some nice shopping :) (respect to 21st Century & TJ Max for their supper - discounted designers!)

All right...it is somewhat (really) crazy, but it`s THE place to be!
(at least for Broadway fans as myself ;)

Evidence of Olympics

Goat also wants to have fun :)

Sit back & relax

Cartoon characters trying hard for extra cash ;)

Small coke

One of the few naked cowboys 

Female version of the above!


Even beggars know a few things about MARKETING!

..and then there is plenty of Jesus and the likes on every corner

I must agree that sometimes it just can get too much..


1 WTC - the central building of the new World Trade centre

2 huge memorial pools (featuring the names of all victims) with waterfalls built where the towers used to stand

Breathtaking creation!

Beautiful promenade above the street level...

..with multiple spots to take-in the urban scenery and some art projects!

Built on a 2,33 km section of historic freight rail line elevated above the streets on Manhattan`s West Side!

Rediscovering by bike!
I had been to Central Park so any times before, but I had never walked all of it...well, technically I didn`t walk this time either, but finally Central Park is conquered - all of it!

How`s this for PRINCE CHARMING ;)

Fascinating NY architecture

Down-town NY from South Seaport

Perfect lunch spot!

South Seaport & Brooklyn bridge

Little Italy 
plenty of restaurants & gelato :)

 Numerous Organic markets around the city!
This one in Union Square park 
MEDUS!!! (marketing for Latvians ;)

This has been copy pasted to Riga ;) (those who attend Organic markets in Riga will u)

Arronia!!! I used to think it was an exclusive to my family garden....or at most to Baltic region ;))) 

Washington Square  

Seemed like MUST-HAVE shoes of the summer... 

After one of the SEPHORA make-overs. 
I was told I looked like actress Leighton Meester
Nice ;) (even if exaggerated ;))

Can you find me in the crowd of this Off-Broadway show? ;)
Hint: look for light orange T-shirt

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